Kamis, 07 Januari 2016


Sekarang saya akan melakukan uji coba analisis terhadap salah satu komponen multimedia. Dengan membandingkan 2 foto yang sama, yang di dapat di ketahui mana yang asli dan mana foto yang sudah di ubah.

Gambar 1

Gambar 2


Pertama kita lakukan uji coba secara sederhana pada gambar 1. Cara sederhana untuk mengetahui properties gambar pertama adalah “klik kanan – properties – details” dan akan di temukan info gambar seperti ini

Untuk lebih meyakinkan jika gambar 1 asli, kita lakukan uji coba dengan menggunakan tools JPEGSnoop. Ini hasil dari gambar 1

EXIF IFD0 @ Absolute 0x00000014
    Dir Length = 0x000B
    [Make                                ] = "Canon"
    [Model                               ] = "Canon EOS 600D"
    [Orientation                         ] = Row 0: top, Col 0: left
    [XResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [YResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [ResolutionUnit                      ] = Inch
    [DateTime                            ] = "2013:11:24 09:45:21"
    [Artist                              ] = ""
    [YCbCrPositioning                    ] = Co-sited
    [Copyright                           ] = ""
    [ExifOffset                          ] = @ 0x015C
    Offset to Next IFD = 0x00002276

  EXIF IFD1 @ Absolute 0x00002282
    Dir Length = 0x0006
    [Compression                         ] = JPEG
    [XResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [YResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [ResolutionUnit                      ] = Inch
    [JpegIFOffset                        ] = @ +0x22D4 = @ 0x22E0
    [JpegIFByteCount                     ] = 10608
    Offset to Next IFD = 0x00000000

  EXIF SubIFD @ Absolute 0x00000168
    Dir Length = 0x0026
    [ExposureTime                        ] = 1/250 s
    [FNumber                             ] = F10.0
    [ExposureProgram                     ] = Not defined
    [ISOSpeedRatings                     ] = 100
    [ExifVersion                         ] = 02.30
    [DateTimeOriginal                    ] = "2013:11:24 09:45:21"
    [DateTimeDigitized                   ] = "2013:11:24 09:45:21"
    [ComponentsConfiguration             ] = [Y Cb Cr .]
    [ShutterSpeedValue                   ] = 524288/65536
    [ApertureValue                       ] = 434176/65536
    [ExposureBiasValue                   ] = 0.00 eV
    [MeteringMode                        ] = Pattern
    [Flash                               ] = Flash did not fire
    [FocalLength                         ] = 42 mm

      Excessive # components (7436). Limiting to first 4000.
    [MakerNote                           ] = @ 0x0382
    [UserComment                         ] = ""
    [SubSecTime                          ] = "43"
    [SubSecTimeOriginal                  ] = "43"
    [SubSecTimeDigitized                 ] = "43"
    [FlashPixVersion                     ] = 01.00
    [ColorSpace                          ] = sRGB
    [ExifImageWidth                      ] = 5184
    [ExifImageHeight                     ] = 3456
    [ExifInteroperabilityOffset          ] = @ 0x2196
    [FocalPlaneXResolution               ] = 5184000/905
    [FocalPlaneYResolution               ] = 3456000/595
    [FocalPlaneResolutionUnit            ] = Inch
    [CustomRendered                      ] = Normal process
    [ExposureMode                        ] = Auto exposure
    [WhiteBalance                        ] = Auto white balance
    [SceneCaptureType                    ] = Standard

Untuk pengujian gambar 2 juga bisa dilakukan dengan cara sederhana. Gambar 2 telah diedit menggunakan photoscape. Cara sederhana untuk mengetahui properties gambar pertama adalah “klik kanan – properties – details” dan akan di temukan info gambar seperti ini

Untuk meyakinkan jika gambar 2 telah di edit menggunakan photoscape, dilakukan pengujian menggunakan JPEGSnoop. Ini hasil dari gambar 2

EXIF IFD0 @ Absolute 0x00000026
    Dir Length = 0x000B
    [Make                                ] = "Canon"
    [Model                               ] = "Canon EOS 600D"
    [XResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [YResolution                         ] = 72/1
    [ResolutionUnit                      ] = Inch
    [Software                            ] = "PhotoScape"
    [DateTime                            ] = "2013:11:24 09:45:21"
    [Artist                              ] = ""
    [YCbCrPositioning                    ] = Co-sited
    [Copyright                           ] = ""
    [ExifOffset                          ] = @ 0x00D8
    Offset to Next IFD = 0x00000000

  EXIF SubIFD @ Absolute 0x000000F6
    Dir Length = 0x0026
    [ExposureTime                        ] = 1/250 s
    [FNumber                             ] = F10.0
    [ExposureProgram                     ] = Not defined
    [ISOSpeedRatings                     ] = 100
    [ExifVersion                         ] = 02.30
    [DateTimeOriginal                    ] = "2013:11:24 09:45:21"
    [DateTimeDigitized                   ] = "2013:11:24 09:45:21"
    [ComponentsConfiguration             ] = [Y Cb Cr .]
    [ShutterSpeedValue                   ] = 524288/65536
    [ApertureValue                       ] = 434176/65536
    [ExposureBiasValue                   ] = 0.00 eV
    [MeteringMode                        ] = Pattern
    [Flash                               ] = Flash did not fire
    [FocalLength                         ] = 42 mm
      Excessive # components (6896). Limiting to first 4000.
    [MakerNote                           ] = @ 0x02FE
    [UserComment                         ] = ""
    [SubSecTime                          ] = "43"
    [SubSecTimeOriginal                  ] = "43"
    [SubSecTimeDigitized                 ] = "43"
    [FlashPixVersion                     ] = 01.00
    [ColorSpace                          ] = sRGB
    [ExifImageWidth                      ] = 5184
    [ExifImageHeight                     ] = 3456
    [ExifInteroperabilityOffset          ] = @ 0x1FA6
    [FocalPlaneXResolution               ] = 5184000/905
    [FocalPlaneYResolution               ] = 3456000/595
    [FocalPlaneResolutionUnit            ] = Inch
    [CustomRendered                      ] = Normal process
    [ExposureMode                        ] = Auto exposure
    [WhiteBalance                        ] = Auto white balance
    [SceneCaptureType                    ] = Standard

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